Digital Transformation

Blog tagged as Digital Transformation

Microservices Architecture transition readiness
Microservices have the potential to transform and simplify the building and maintenance of software applications. However,, to achieve the potential benefits, teams must be ready to adopt new paradigms and new concepts. Is your team ready for this new architecture?
02.24.20 03:42 PM - Comment(s)
Enhance project productivity and improve developer work-life balance
Slides from my Docker, Jenkins and Kubernetes presentation at MKE Code Camp this weekend.
11.17.19 04:08 PM - Comment(s)
Containers improve return on investment
Containers provide the flexibility, portability and ease of use which improve the ROI of IT projects
09.13.19 12:10 PM - Comment(s)
Going Serverless
Using Google's serverless technology to speed up application development
07.29.19 04:57 PM - Comment(s)