
Blog categorized as Management

Centralized credentials management with Vault
Deck from my presentation at Hashitalks 2021. Talk discusses on to use Vault to centralize and simplify credentials management of a microservices application running in Kubernetes
02.15.21 09:54 AM - Comment(s)
Personal lessons from the pandemic that every IT organization should apply
The year 2020 will be forever known as the year the first ( hopefully only) world wide pandemic of the 21st century hit. This crisis has caused significant lifestyle changes. Let us explore some changes I have observed & explain how they can be applied at any IT organization.
09.06.20 11:01 AM - Comment(s)
Microservices Architecture transition readiness
Microservices have the potential to transform and simplify the building and maintenance of software applications. However,, to achieve the potential benefits, teams must be ready to adopt new paradigms and new concepts. Is your team ready for this new architecture?
02.24.20 03:42 PM - Comment(s)
A better approach to project documentation
Using word processors to create and manage project documentation can cause a number of significant issues in the long run. Most of these issues can be solved by using Markdown and plain text documents.
08.26.19 08:18 PM - Comment(s)
Effective Objectives
Smart Objectives are the key to success
05.06.18 10:06 PM - Comment(s)